Subject: Clinton Sexual Harassment Case Author: CourtTV9 Uploaded By: CourtTV9 Date: 1/11/1996 File: JONES.TXT (92321 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 212 Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, can proceed with her sexual harassment suit against President Clinton, according to this Jan 9, 1996 federal appeals court ruling. Jones alleges that in 1991 Clinton made unwanted advances toward her in a Little Rock hotel. At that time, Clinton was governor of Arkansas. In a 2-1 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit said lawyers for Jones could seek depositions. The three-judge panel considered a December 1994 ruling by a U.S. District Court in Little Rock that the trial could proceed, but not until the president leaves office. Lawyers for the president have argued that allowing this suit to go forward would distract the president from his official duties.